Lean Manager

Managing DirectorOperations ManagerProduction DirectorProject ManagerTechnical Director
Miesto práce

Miesto práce

Prešov region, Košice region

Ponúkaný plat

Ponúkaný plat

Will be specified

Druh pracovného pomeru

Druh pracovného pomeru


Informácie o pracovnom mieste

Náplň práce, právomoci a zodpovednosti

International company which provides a comprehensive product portfolio for special industries all over the world is seeking a new Lean manager.

We are looking for a candidate who will be responsible for developing, initiating and facilitating continuous improvement processes within the company in order to achieve excellent operational results.

Main responsibilities:
• Supporting the executive management in developing and roll-out of the Production System for two production plants.
• Project Management of Product Transfers
• Establish metrics to monitor financial savings as compared to established goals and targets.
• Manufacturing reporting to General Managers
• Planning and execution of location assessment and monitoring/supporting of any improvement activities derived from it
• Best practice sharing with other manufacturing locations
• Provide Lean Training and support in CIP activities to the employees
• Support manufacturing management in keeping state of the art processes and innovation in his area
• Any adhoc project or responsibility defined by the executive management

Zamestnanecké výhody, benefity

• Work for a successful and well-known international company
• Experience opportunities for personal development
• Attractive remuneration package
• Yearly bonus

Informácie o výberovom konaní

Please send us your application to email address:
kariera@head-scout.com or apply via Profesia.

Požiadavky na zamestnanca

Pozícii vyhovujú uchádzači so vzdelaním

University education (Master's degree)
Postgraduate (Doctorate)

Jazykové znalosti

English ― Upper intermediate (B2)

Osobnostné predpoklady a zručnosti

- A degree in industrial engineering or comparable and professional experience for not less than 5 years
- Fluent English in speech and writing
- Experience in
o Modern manufacturing methods (e.g. Lean Manufacturing)
o Lean Management
o Kaizen, Six Sigma (experience is a plus)
o Project management, controlling
o Manufacturing planning und manufacturing control
o Product and activity-based costing
o Shop floor structural planning
o Implementation of key performance indicators and management systems

Povieme Vám viac

Naši kolegovia vám odpovedia na všetky otázky a navrhnú riešenie šité na mieru vaším potrebám.
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