Group Events and B2C Communication Specialist

Account ManagerEvent ManagerInternal Communication SpecialistMarketing OfficerMarketing Specialist
Miesto práce

Miesto práce

Bratislava, Slovakia, Bratislava

Ponúkaný plat

Ponúkaný plat

Od 480€ brutto, * presné platové rozpätie radi upresníme pri pohovore, finálna ponuka motivujúco odráža prax a skúsenosti kandidáta + ročná odmena

Druh pracovného pomeru

Druh pracovného pomeru


Informácie o pracovnom mieste

Náplň práce, právomoci a zodpovednosti

Cooperation on organizing and execution of group Events & Fairs

For our client, established real-estate development company operating in CEE region is currently looking for a new Group events and B2C communication specialist
We are looking for a talented, passionate and responsible Group events and B2C communication specialist. Being part of company will allow for the individual to get to know one of the most innovative developer in CEE and moreover local startup and corporate ecosystem.

Company events
Responsibility for planning, preparation and organizing Events based on creating and developing long-term tasks with clients. Creating creative customer-focused events and services.
Asset management marketing activities
Co-creating and producing corporate collaterals – presentations, videos, printed materials, apps, content for corporate website, communications strategy strengthening the client awareness of the value delivered thru our offerings.
Planning and budget creation
Actively identifies the needs of internal clients
Provides inputs and cooperates during the completion of the annual plan and budget for activities in scope.
Control and administration
Strictly follows and ensures compliance with corporate design in all marketing production activities
Ensures thorough checks of invoicing and invoiced activities; secures correction in the event of irregularities
Regularly monitors budget use (overdrawing, etc.) and immediately informs superior when required
Project management capabilities and proven ability to work in a fast pace environment will be welcomed.

Zamestnanecké výhody, benefity

Employee benefits:
• Excellent career opportunity in growing privately owned company expanding internationally
• On-the job learning opportunities, understanding of the various business areas exposure to experienced professionals
• Space for self-realization and career growth opportunity
• Attractive working environment
• Attractive salary, bonuses

Požiadavky na zamestnanca

Pozícii vyhovujú uchádzači so vzdelaním

Postgraduate (Doctorate)
University education (Bachelor's degree)
University education (Master's degree)

Osobnostné predpoklady a zručnosti

Knowledge and skills:
• Must be a very organized and process oriented individual
• Strong verbal communication skills are a must
• Exceptional organizational and multitasking skills
• High level of integrity, dependability, responsibility, accountability,
self-awareness, work ethic and empathy
• Motivation and drive to achieve goals
• Positive oriented, flexible and with high level of confidentiality

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Naši kolegovia vám odpovedia na všetky otázky a navrhnú riešenie šité na mieru vaším potrebám.
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