We select the right people from a large number of suitable applicants
Are you looking for one or more employees to join the team? We will use dozens of channels to fill the desired position with the right person as quickly as possible. We will deliver the first shortlist of candidates to you within ten working days. And the best thing - you only pay when the position is filled.
I want to know moreWhy Headscout?

We send regular updates
Each client receives a weekly overview of our activities and clear information about what to expect and when.

Receive only high-quality materials
We send clients shortlists with an overview of all essential information about each applicant. Simple, clear and understandable. From the document, you can directly reach the candidate's CV with a single click.

Benchmarking analysis for free
We know that the market is constantly evolving and conditions are changing. That's why we conduct regular surveys of salaries and other benchmarks for a particular position in the given region. Clients get this analysis from us as part of recruiting employees free of charge.
What is our recruitment process?

Requirements analysis
We analyze your request for finding an employee. We then actively reach out to people on the market through advertising or using our internal database, which contains hundreds of thousands of contacts. In total, we use more than 20 different activities to find the most suitable candidates.

Finding suitable applicants
For each project, we select from a huge number of suitable applicants. We verify the selected candidates and invite them to interviews where, among other things, we also create their psychological profile.

Employee selection
We will present the most suitable candidates to you electronically or in person. Our recruiters are at your disposal 24/7 and guide you through the process right up to the actual selection of your future employee.
We have provided employee recruitment to

Meet our recruiters

Anna Zorkovska