Production Manager

Miesto práce
Nitra, Slovakia, District Nitra

Ponúkaný plat
2 500 - 3 500 € Brutto

Druh pracovného pomeru
Informácie o pracovnom mieste
Náplň práce, právomoci a zodpovednosti
• Achieve production plans at budgeted costs
• Achieve planned quality levels at budgeted waste
• Achieve agreed delivery commitments
• Set up plans and budgets for the production department
• As part of the management team, achieve budgeted profitability and growth for the business
• Overseeing the production process, drawing up a production schedule
• Ensuring that the production is cost effective
• Making sure that products are produced on time and are of good quality
• Monitoring the production processes and adjusting schedules as needed
• Being responsible for the selection and maintenance of equipment
• Monitoring product standards and implementing quality-control programmes
• Working with managers to implement the company's policies and goals
• Ensuring that health and safety guidelines are followed
• Supervising and motivating a team of workers
• Reviewing worker performance
• Identifying training needs
• Other ad hoc tasks arisen from Company /Group business needs
Zamestnanecké výhody, benefity
• Competitive remuneration
• Periodical, actualizing training and development in technical, management field
• Working for a “working processes” company
• Opportunity to use show unique, individual potential
• Possibility for career advancements based on results and passion
• Working with a talented and well picked team
Informácie o výberovom konaní
Due to the number of received profiles, we will contact only suitable candidates. Thank you for your understanding.
Požiadavky na zamestnanca
Pozícii vyhovujú uchádzači so vzdelaním
Secondary with school-leaving examination
Follow-up/Higher Professional Education
University education (Bachelor's degree)
University education (Master's degree)
Postgraduate (Doctorate)
Vodičský preukaz
Osobnostné predpoklady a zručnosti
• The candidate must have previous experience form Plastic or Injection molding industry!
• Commercial and business awareness
• Excellent communication and presentation skills
• An analytic approach to work
• High technical skills
• Problem-solving skills and initiative
• Negotiation skills and the ability to influence others
• Strong attention to detail and an investigative nature
• The ability to balance the demands of work with constant learning of newest technical trends
• Good time management skills and the ability to prioritize
• The ability to work as part of a team and to build strong working relationships
• The capacity to make quick but rational decisions
• The potential to lead and motivate others
• Good command of English