Junior Financial Controller

Financial AnalystAuditorControllerReporting SpecialistAssistant of Auditor
Miesto práce

Miesto práce

Bratislava, Slovakia, Bratislava

Ponúkaný plat

Ponúkaný plat

1200 - 1800€ brutto. Depending on an experience.

Druh pracovného pomeru

Druh pracovného pomeru


Informácie o pracovnom mieste

Náplň práce, právomoci a zodpovednosti

We are looking for new Junior Financial Controller for our client, successful real-estate development company operating on an international level.

The purpose of the role is to manage planning and controlling processes for the Group, oversee the adherence to agreed forecast on CAPEX and OPEX line, design and execute necessary reporting and provide internal consultancy to business & project owners, thus increasing the financial acumen across the group.

• Regular & ad-hoc reporting related to all business lines (Acquisition, Construction & Development, Asset Management, Investment Management, Divestment, OPEX)
• Management of process of Annual Budgeting & ad-hoc Forecasting
• Monthly cash-flow forecast preparation
• Intragroup Cash management (consolidated 100+ entities)
• Preparation and maintenance of Financial Feasibility Studies for individual development projects
• Management of process of independent portfolio valuation
• Partnering with Senior Management & Group Board of Directors
• Consolidation support to Group Accounting team and Transfer Pricing team

Zamestnanecké výhody, benefity

• Excellent career opportunity in growing privately owned company expanding internationally
• On-the job learning opportunities, understanding of the various business areas exposure to experienced professionals
• Space for self-realization and career growth opportunity
• Attractive working environment and colleagues
• Attracive salary, bonuses and learning opportunities

Informácie o výberovom konaní

If you are interested in this position, please send us your CV in English to email address:

Požiadavky na zamestnanca

Pozícii vyhovujú uchádzači so vzdelaním

University education (Bachelor's degree)
University education (Master's degree)

Vzdelanie v odbore


Vodičský preukaz


Osobnostné predpoklady a zručnosti

• Strong in analysis & synthesis
• Communication & Presenation skills
• Problem solving
• Team player, however able to work independently
• Project management

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