Design Project Manager

ArchitectConstruction ManagerDesign EngineerProject Manager
Miesto práce

Miesto práce

Bratislava region, Bratislava, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Great Britain

Ponúkaný plat

Ponúkaný plat


Druh pracovného pomeru

Druh pracovného pomeru


Informácie o pracovnom mieste

Náplň práce, právomoci a zodpovednosti

We are now hiring for our client, successful real-estate development company operating on an international level.
The added value of a Design Project Manager is to collect, summarize and implement company know-how into development projects in concept creation phases of the project, and thus to link the development of project with unique product value proposition.
Place of work: BRATISLAVA

• Creation of concept for new commercial projects and participation on design
• Coordination of project team, contractors, architects, procurement and tendering, site inspection
• Responsibility for group standards development and implementation, cost control and budgeting
• Creation of local standards, design and layout approvals
• Indentification of risks of project, weak points, selling points
• Co-create unique selling points to differentiate the project (from architecture, design, scheme, concept point of view).
• Manage the cooperation with general designer (e.g. design brief) in respect to proposed solutions in phases of Business Concept and Scheme design creation.
• Collect and summarize inputs and outputs during Concept design stages (EIA, Zoning and Building Permit Design).
• Co-approve of all stages of project documentation up to construction (execution) documentation.
• Provide commercial and technical consultancy to Project team and third parties (incl. prospective tenants).

Zamestnanecké výhody, benefity

• Excellent career opportunity in growing privately owned company expanding internationally
• Extensive travelling
• On-the job learning opportunities, understanding of the various business areas exposure to experienced professionals
• Space for self-realization and career growth opportunity
• Attractive working environment
• Attracive salary, bonuses and opportunities to travel

Informácie o výberovom konaní

If you are interested in this position, please send us your CV in English to email address:

Požiadavky na zamestnanca

Pozícii vyhovujú uchádzači so vzdelaním

University education (Master's degree)
University education (Bachelor's degree)
Postgraduate (Doctorate)

Vzdelanie v odbore


Jazykové znalosti

English ― Upper intermediate (B2)

Osobnostné predpoklady a zručnosti

• Passion and drive, innovative mindset, ability to teach, share and entertain
• Able to think in inter-cultural scope
• People management skills very welcome
• Excellent communication and presentation skills
• Coordination / Project management skills
• Ability to influence others with impact
• Mature well-rounded personality
• Enterpreneural and innovative mindset
• Honest person with high level of personal integrity

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Naši kolegovia vám odpovedia na všetky otázky a navrhnú riešenie šité na mieru vaším potrebám.
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