Assistant to Board Member

Miesto práce
Bratislavský kraj, Bratislava

Ponúkaný plat

Druh pracovného pomeru
plný úväzok
Informácie o pracovnom mieste
Náplň práce, právomoci a zodpovednosti
For our client, established real-estate company operating in CEE market is currently looking for a new Assistant to Member of Board
On the position you will support Board member of the company in their daily activities and contribute to increasing their productivity by organization of internal and external meetings, business trips and ad hoc issues.
• Management of calendar & meetings and active support during working days
• Personal agenda
• Organizing/rescheduling requested internal & external meetings; communication with attendees, sending outlook invitation and meeting room booking
• Organization of meetings & business trips; itinerary, logistics and accommodation
• Ad hoc document preparation/translation/checks; reports, presentations, other
• Respnsibility for expenses accounting; business trip expenses, monthly business related expenses, car fleet accounting
• Fulfilling/Approving invoices, travel requests and quarterly working time allocation reports into DMS
Zamestnanecké výhody, benefity
• Excellent career opportunity in growing privately owned company expanding internationally
• On-the job learning opportunities, understanding of the various business areas exposure to experienced professionals
• Space for self-realization and career growth opportunity
• Attractive working environment
• Attracive salary, bonuses
Informácie o výberovom konaní
If you are interested in this position, please send us your CV in English to email address:
Požiadavky na zamestnanca
Pozícii vyhovujú uchádzači so vzdelaním
stredoškolské s maturitou
nadstavbové/vyššie odborné vzdelanie
vysokoškolské II. stupňa
študent vysokej školy
vysokoškolské I. stupňa
vysokoškolské III. stupňa
Jazykové znalosti
Anglický jazyk ― Pokročilý (C1)
Osobnostné predpoklady a zručnosti
- Business Collage or Hotel College are welcome (not conditionaly)
- Minimum 1 year of experience with administrative position
- Experience on the position Executive assistant as a big advantage
- English language – advanced level
- Advanced MS office (Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel)
- Strong organizational and time-management skills
- Team-player with great communication skills
- Discretion and reliability
- Personal drive, positive and proactive approach